We hear Jesus say "Come with me. I have a mission for you."
-Matthew 4:19

Monday, January 17, 2011


Hello, my name is Father Wayne Paysse and I am the Executive Director of the Black and Indian Mission Office in Washington, D.C.  The office is made up of three separate organizations of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States.  They are: The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, established in 1874;  The Black and Indian Mission Collection, established in 1884 and  The Catholic Negro-American Mission Board, established in 1907.  Sometimes in speaking of the office as a whole, we use the term, Black and Indian Mission Office – which is inclusive of all three organizations.

The ministry of the office is to encourage the ongoing diocesan evangelization efforts within the American Indian/indigenous and the African American communities.  We support Black and Indian parishes, missions,  religious education programs, Catholic mission schools, urban ministry, evangelization programs for African Americans and Native Americans and missionaries in these communities.  

I am so pleased that you have joined us as we begin this new cyber adventure of evangelization. The hope is to reach across miles, touch hearts, raise consciousness and stretch to reach down deep within as disciples, friends and missionaries.  I hope we generate a strong sense of faith community in the weeks and months ahead as I share with you my mission travels across the U.S.A. Sometimes you will accompany me to Indian reservations, parishes, urban centers, Alaskan villages and African American and Indian schools.  

The prayerful and financial support of our friends bring people together to worship God in community and to "be there" for one another with their God-given gifts that baptism calls each and every person to discipleship.  Also, by virtue of our baptism, we are missionaries beginning within our families, parishes  and schools.  We worship, serve and love God and community through our religious family, the Roman Catholic Church.  Because Jesus was the first missionary sent from heaven, we follow His example and bear witness to His love.
Please be a herald of good news. Help me to spread the word about the Black and Indian Mission Office!  It is 2011 and the Mission continues. . . so come along we'd love to share the experience of the journey with you!