We hear Jesus say "Come with me. I have a mission for you."
-Matthew 4:19

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Blessed Lenten Season

Dear Mission Family, 

The Lenten season invites us to swim upstream like the salmon, taking us ever more deeply into the spiritual desert with Jesus, only to be refreshed by the baptismal waters.
This season of grace, God's very life is always in contradiction to those things and persons that keep us from being united, free and whole in prayer, joy and peace!

The scriptures give witness and testify to the beauty of God and how the Great Spirit touches each of us when we turn to Him. Bible characters such as John the Baptist and others point to the way of Jesus!

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman is quoted as saying, "we can believe what we choose. We are answerable for what we choose to believe."

Let us ask ourselves as we quickly approach the end of the Lenten season, how can I capture deep within me the life and breath of Jesus? How might I cast my net of hope and anchor of peace? Let us go to God in prayer! It is not too late to experience a fruitful Lenten season.
 -Father Paysse