We hear Jesus say "Come with me. I have a mission for you."
-Matthew 4:19

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

 June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As a pastor some years ago, I'd enthrone the image of the Sacred Heart in the homes of my parishioners.  What a comfort this brought to many!

We are mindful in the Scriptures of the gentleness of Jesus and how he opened his own human and sacred heart to all who would trust him. Let us turn to him at this moment to receive his love, forgiveness and peace.

Today, let us consider the importance of opening our own hearts to our Native American and African American sisters and brothers - and all we meet!
We collaborate with diocesan efforts that have a positive impact on the work of evangelization. How? By supporting or establishing a particular work, program or project.  Please partner with us to keep our struggling mission schools open, to support religious education programs with Bibles and workbooks, to train catechists, to provide the comforting presence of a priest, religious sister or brother; these are a few of the daily challenges.

  • Click Here to partner with the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions.
  • Click Here to partner with the Catholic Negro American Mission Board. 
  • Click Here to partner with the Black and Indian Mission Collection. 

Thank you for your consideration of support. Be assured of my prayers for you and your loved ones. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus abundantly bless all your good works!

 Father Paysse
 Executive Director