We hear Jesus say "Come with me. I have a mission for you."
-Matthew 4:19

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!

Dear Mission Family,

Happy New Year!  As we welcome 2013, we welcome you to the Black and Indian Mission Blog and encourage you to invite your many family members, friends and associates to peruse our cyber community.  

Perhaps you would be interested in signing up for our free publications or simply learn about the three agency’s that make up the Black and Indian Mission Office. Go ahead, take a look inside

Many in our Native American and Alaskan Native Community are excited about the recent canonization of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha in Rome by Pope Benedict XVI, Sunday, October 21, 2012.  It was a glorious time for our Native American sisters and brothers across the United States and beyond.  The same is true for the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions

If you are a parish, school or an organization interested in someone giving a presentation at a luncheon or event about St. Kateri or our missionary outreach to the African Americans or Native Americans, please contact Father Paysse, Executive Director, at info@blackandindianmission.org or use our Toll free number, 1-877-237-1605.

Since 1874, the Bureau has witnessed to the Gospel among Native Americans and continues to support the evangelization outreach to the American Indian. Become a partner with us through your prayer and sacrificial offerings.  Join us as we continue to pray, serve and witness to the holy name of Jesus and the evangelization outreach through our missionaries  on Indian reservations, mission schools, urban communities and parishes.

Our Black Catholic missionary outreach is accomplished in Parishes, Missions, Schools and Religious Education Programs. Maybe you would like to learn more about Black Saints and those who minister in the Black Community? Meet people like Father Augustine Tolton, Venerable Pierre Toussaint or Henriette Delille, to name a few.

Again, please enjoy your visit at www.blackandindianmission.org and know we would like to hear from you.  How can we better serve you?  Let me hear from you, please.  I welcome your suggestions and insights!  January blessings!